Partners Organisations
Zespol Szkol Salezjanskich DON BOSCO we Wroclawiu
Zespol Szkol Salezjańskich is co-educational comprehensive school meeting the needs of children of all abilities from 3-19 years. The school has existed since 2017. It includes a Salesian kindergarten, as well as a Salesian elementary school, middle school and high school. All these units are public, so it will be possible to save them free of charge children or youth from both entire Wrocław and other parts of the Lower Silesia Voivodship. School .
The school is built on the basis of Private Salesian High School, from where it draws its didactic background. The teaching staff comes from Private Salesian High School.
The school strives to ensure that every student personally experiences a happy atmosphere that will help them to leave the school with a high level of confidence in their own abilities, as well as excellent examination results. These goals are delivered through a strong pastoral system, excellent learning and teaching and an extensive range of sporting, cultural, physical and social extra-curricular activities.
The school offers opportunities for students involvement in activities which take place after school, at weekends and at holiday time. The salesian school has equipped laboratories for the study of nature, theater halls. Students from film club run radio broadcasts, interviews. Salesian School aims to use new technologies in education, the development of ICT skills among students and teachers. Therefore classrooms are equipped with boards InterWrite. Teachers have received training in the use of this tool in their work.
Students during film and radio clubs create films, broadcasts using various computer programs and are taught to perform professionally photograph and manipulate them.Videos are posted on youtube channel TVSLO WROC.
The school took first place in the V National Student Film Review 2013; Third Prize in the category of amateur films at the XXIX International Catholic Film Festival and Multimedia - Niepokalanów 2014.
Our school took first place in the National Competition "From Radio Free Europe to the free Polish. 100. hundredth anniversary of the birth of Jan Nowak-Jeziorański" on the radio report.
Students participated in photography club did their own exhibition.
Zespol Szkol Salezjańskich has very rich activities for students: students participate in ecological project led by Polish Ecological Club.
The school is organizer regional competition: ZLOTE PIORO ( In the competition students prepared their own essays. The Best ones where awarded.
The school cooperates with SP6ZWR. Rescue Spaces Club. They jointly organized the flight of the stratospheric balloon and ARISS Project where students contacted directly by radio wave to astronaut on International Space Stadion.
The school has organized science lectures since 2003 in the framework of the League of Science, which invites all schools of Wroclaw. The lecture done at schools are recorded and located on youtube. After all lectures researcher scientists provide interview to students.
National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM) was registered as a Public Association on 18th of February 1999 and is an umbrella structure of 63 youth organizations, and its mission is to empower young people to participate actively in the society, promote the interests of the young people from Moldova in its relations with government and international institutions, to develop youth associative structures through the implementation of program activities, trainings, information, advocacy and consulting services.
CNTM is running a project with Pestalozzi Children's Foundation, since 2009, called Intercultural Dialog. The project is taking place in Trogen, Switzerland, where since the beginning of the project participated around 600 young people, pupils. Also the last year CNTM open an NGOs Incubator, where young people can have a 6 months' support and mentorship to open an NGO, to build its capacity, to find projects or to ensure a self- sustainability. As member of European Youth Forum (YFJ), CNTM participate in 2016 at the development of the next three years' plan. CNTM is also in working groups: Youth Rights, Vote at 16 years at YFJ. In August 2016, in collaboration with Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation(SDC) was developed a project called School of Cinematography "Omul de lângă tine" (The person next to you), where 40 youngsters developed 10 short movies with social thematic, that were after promoted in the national medias. In 2016 was started The Collaboration Platform of Youth Organisations of Youth Parties, as an advocacy platform for youth interest. Nowadays, there are 9 youth organisations of political parties involved actively in the platform. As researches, National Youth Council of Moldova published in 2014 the Moldovan Youth Index, covering 4 main fields: Health, Participation, Unemployment and Violent behaviour. In 2016, was developed the Youth Mainstreaming Methodology for Public Policies, based on which in collaboration with the member organisations relevant for the topic were done 3 reports on public policies: "Youth Perspectives in the new Employment Strategy for 2017-2021", "Youth Interests in the Public Health Strategy", "Youth and Gender based violence. National Strategy to Combat Violence against Women". As cultural part, the second year already, CNTM organized the Youth Fest, in collaboration with Ministry of Youth and Sport and UNFPA. The Event was held in centre of Chisinau, with more than 2500 people and around 50 youth organization. CNTM promotes children's rights by strengthening participation of the regional and school youth councils in the work of Governmental Commission and by providing support to the parents' schools associations. CNTM has extensive experience in working with local youth councils, local co-management structures, local initiative groups, and other key players, through facilitating yearly activities for and with these entities. Annually, CNTM counts more than 6000 children among its direct beneficiaries of various activities, as well as more than 120 youth organizations and more than 50 public authorities. CNTM continually supports and advocates for youth participation in decision-making processes by creating opportunities for young people to develop their competencies; creating tools and support materials to involve youngsters in decision-making processes; etc.
Currently CNTM is implementing several programs in the sector area: - "Implementation and evaluation of action plan of National Strategy of Developing Youth Sector 2014-2020 and Promotion of European Union Values" - The project is funded by FHI 360 and aims to develop evidence-based youth policies in order to assure strategic implementation of national initiatives/programs. To achieve this goal, project objectives are to create and develop continuously transversal public policies based on youth needs and to develop feasible tools in order to provide coherent evidence and data analysis in designing youth policies. - Establishment of a Youth Center in Tohatin. CNTM is creating the first youth hub at the regional level with qualitative youth services, using the Estonian model of youth centers. - Development of the first Moldovan online platform dedicated to opportunities for youth: platform. This will be the biggest platform with opportunities for youth developed by youth. It covers domains like: employment, training and professional opportunities, leisure time activities, soft skills development, etc. - "Thematic Advocacy Group on Youth Issues" - The project is financed by the East Europe Foundation and aims to improve youth sector capacities for efficient advocacy and lobbying campaigns. - "Regional Youth Score Card" - is a complex data collection and analysis tool used to evaluate the impact of the National Strategy for Youth Sector Development 2014-2020 and to monitor the impact of local youth strategies. The tool is developed with UMFPA Moldova financial support. - "NEET Research" - The main goal of this project is to produce useful and accessible data, analysis, and recommendations on NEET youth in Moldova, in order to facilitate the mainstreaming of NEET youth priorities into public policy design and into the programs of government and nongovernmental institutions, including priorities of NEET youth from the Transnistria region. This project is supported by UNDP Moldova, the Swiss Department for Cooperation, and UNFPA Moldova.
BITISI (Georgia)
BITISI is a young non-profit organization working for youth and communities in need on local and international level. Based on the voluntary work of 10-15 youngsters their main effort is given to provide people aged 15-28 with a non-formal space for self-development. BITISI cooperates with international
organizations, universities and local entities and offers exchanges, workshops, training courses, conferences to promote social inclusion, sense of entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyle, non-formal education, EU values.
BITISI team cooperates to enrich the following goals:
- Improve the skills and competencies of young people, particularly, through non-formal and informal learning experiences;
- To enhance the importance of diverse values as importance for maintaining pluralism, nondiscrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality;
- To promote social inclusion and help young people with fewer opportunities (refugees, social/economical obstacled people) integrate to the society;
- To promote phisical activities and show the added value of being healthy;
- To empower young people to find their own way in life.
The abbreviation of BITISI itself stands for "Because I Take It Seriously" - in this respect, BITISI team concentrates on understanding essential needs of target groups and giving them a needed value to improve their competencies. Organizational way of working is based on non-formal educational methods.
BITISI uses game-based learning methods to promote expressing emotions, proactiveness of attendees, and to foster the social inclusion. Organizers/ facilitators during our projects are mainly volunteers. BITISI provides motivated youngsters with opportunities to learn, bring personal ideas and get needed support.
BITISI has made various local projects since the date of official registration. Currently it focused on the following topics: non-formal education, gamification, youth entrepreneurship, social inclusion, healthy lifestyle, environment. In order to ensure the right engagement of target groups and stakeholders BITISI builds partnerships with local associations, municipalities, youth groups and provide them with a significant visibility of their activities by creating social media articles, press releases, promotional materials
.CCAFAF II is focucing in several subjects which they have to do with enterpreuneurship, social inclusion, healthy life style and environment and all these with Non Formal Learning as we all can see from the whole program. BITISI is working a lot in these themes as follow: Youth EntrepreneurshipEnforced by the connections with local universities BITISI organizes public lectures in order to motivate attendees to find which career paths they would better take, what are their strengths and weaknesses and how to get pleasure by doing the things they like. Under this campaign with universities, BITISI organized workshops for the local youth with the following titles: "What does an EGO want?", "Bring your imagination to your life", "Body Language Masterclass", "Kick-start your Social Enterprise". These projects had the following results: youth groups had time for networking; they improved their skills and competencies related to youth entrepreneurship and drafted new entrepreneurial ideas by finding right partners among each other. Also, BITISI members have participated in Erasmus + key actions related to the topic: "Be Your Own Boss", "EntrepreneurACT +", "Create Your Own World", "Equal Chance for Success", "Social Entrepreneurship +". This experience gave BITISI more confidence and competences in order to generate a better value for the local youth of Tbilisi. Regarding accomplishments, BITISI members often participate in start-up competitions. In 2019 their idea was nominated as "Best Product Oriented Idea" and got funds.Non-formal LearningThe philosophy of BITISI is based on non-formal education. Since the creation of the NGO, it has been organizing workshops for high-schools in Tbilisi in order to raise the awareness of non-formal and informal learning. One of the successful initiatives is "One Day Out of School" - a 2-week-workshop during which students from different local schools got to know non-formal education methodology and improved their skills regarding the topic. This methodology is included in every initiative organization takes. The very first Erasmus + project which was organized by BITISI's great contribution was youth exchange "Aiming By Gaming" in Bulgaria. From there on BITISI is exploring creative ways to improve the engagement of participants during sessions/ workshops. Recently, BITISI raised their competencies in game-based learning and gamification.Gamification concept was brought to the NGO by its president - Levan Niparishvili. He is a Master student of Information Technologies and explores how technologies can promote participation and foster the engagement. From that point on new projects involve simulations, learning by doing elements, informal learning, art, music etc. in order to guarantee participants' engagement. In this respect, BITISI provides experience in creating challenging, interesting environment for participants and making them get the best out of the project provided.Social InclusionSince BITISI is located in the capital of Georgia, its target groups are represented from various backgrounds. Some of the youth groups have economical/ educational difficulties; some groups come from refugee families. In order to respect the equality BITISI organizes activities with the purpose of inducing the sense for tolerance among young people. BITISI co-organized the following projects under the Erasmus + programme: "Social Entrepreneurship for Disadvantaged Youth Social Integration", "Aiming for Equ(ALL)ity", "Social Inclusion for Better Future". These projects were disseminated for the local youth in Tbilisi. As a result, there were local workshops inducing tolerance among local youth associations and their target groups. Healthy LifestyleMembers of BITISI have previous experiences due to being professional athletes. This fact influenced on the whole organization in a positive way. BITISI members are active members of gyms and modern sport classes. They organize various activities to raise the awareness of importance of being healthy. BITISI has strongconnections with sport organizations and ministry of sport and youth. Under the cooperation they organize events, join famous campaigns as volunteers like "Wings for Life", "Marathoni" etc. Social media plays a big role when it comes to healthy lifestyle. BITISI uses tools like website, Facebook, Instagram, forums in order to promote healthy lifestyle. Regarding the topic members of BITISI have participated in the writing and organizing process of Erasmus + Sport Small Collaborative Partnerships.SDRUZHENIE WALK TOGETHER
Association WalkTogether general scope is to offer high quality non-formal education to adults and young people, covering the three main areas of non-formal education: is socio-cultural (popular) education, education for personal development and professional training. Our non-governmental organisation is established by a group of trainers wishing to contribute to the building of a responsible, skilled and aware society in Bulgaria. It is created to serves as a learning organization that gathers trainers, youth and social workers, youth policy makers, experts, and volunteers with different levels of competences to actively be involved in the creation of civic activities with European dimension and with benefits for their local communities.
Walktogether association has been working in the field of youth work for over 6 years now, gathering volunteers, youth workers and youth, providing opportunities for development of soft skills, career prospects, friendships and partnerships through non-formal education. Our expertise in topics like Entrepreneurship, Employment, Environment, Citizenship, Sport, etc. has brought us closer to the needs of our communities and realizing projects, we build on the knowledge, experience, confidence in societies.
The focus of the organisation is:
• Implementation of new practices of integration to the business environment - а particular focus is paid to the people with fewer opportunities;
• Operation in national and international programs related to youth unemployment, job shadowing and compatibility in the labour market in Bulgaria;
• To promote equal opportunities for all - attention is given to hard-to-reach groups and their opportunities to get information, training and employment;
• Participation in national and international training programs, exchanges and youth activities on the topic of employment; entrepreneurship and skills development;
• Supports the active citizens to improve the economic environment and social development in Bulgaria
Target group:
The organisation encounter more than 4000 members and supporters who are youth workers, social workers, social volunteers, students, professors and social activists. Our youth members are people with different level of education and background. We have several volunteers who are ethnic Bulgarians and people with fewer opportunities - cultural, social and geographical obstacles. We work mostly with people 17 + years old and adults up to 55 years old.
Our local partners are two schools in Svishtov and in Plovdiv and one State Youth Centre in Sevlievo which supports our initiatives and together we are working with and for the youth.
Activities performed by our staff:
debate/campaigns/actions on the themes of common interest in the larger framework of the rights; research and publication of informational materials and collaboration with organizations, institutions and individuals in the country and abroad. Further, we are organizing workshops, seminars, conferences and other national and international meetings on general and specific issues of the objectives of the organisation. WalkTogether is very active in the organization of education, training and retraining programs which aim at improving, developing and broadening knowledge, skills and competences.
We are present in all social media channels to disseminate the results of local and international projects: Facebook, Instagram, our webpage, local youth groups, schools, youth centres and sometimes media. Depends on the project we are involving as well third shareholders such as local business companies and state institutions (EandM Consulting, LegalTrek, Ministry of Youth and Sport).
WalkTogether is organizing local and international workshops which aim at straightening youth skills and competences in order to be more competitive in the labour market. Our activities promote entrepreneurial education, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and start-up venture incubation
At local level the organisation provides activities and seminars for empowering young entrepreneurs in taking initiatives and inclusion in self- employment process. In this course, it is important to provide education (usually by NFE) to our youth workers who are the main source of information on a daily base for the young people. That is why, we organise trainings for trainers and youth workers in order to increase their entrepreneurship knowledge and information sharing and counselling related to the procedures, regulation and availability of all of the necessary services need for starting your own business. Together with the youth workers in our organisation, we organise seminars for youths to identify and develop new methods and share good practice on how to combat youth unemployment in Europe through entrepreneurship model. Several local and international projects and workshops for fostering women in business we have developed and participated in. We use Art methods in doing handcrafts (jewellery making, design of cookies, and using innovative methods of paining through gelatin) in order to build a personal branding and enhance their knowledge on what a personal branding is.We are also hosting international exchanges, aiming to develop young people's competencies in starting their own hub, managing their business online and developing skills of business marketing and management. Within Erasmus+ program, Walktogether is seeking to crated valuable partnerships on the topic, in order to receive European practice and exchange of know-how with other organisations working in the field. Our youth workers are skilled and they are developing activities for young people who have ideas and they have no idea how to begins. This was the point in our last youth exchange on the topic where we did plan and created a space for the exchange of good practices in the area of entrepreneurship, job search and professional development.
As for Entrepreneurship, our experience broadens because of our team's personal qualifications and experience, gained through education, work in the corporative field, different trainings and programs - we have basically got all the knowledge from A to Z about the term and activity. For green entrepreneurship we haven't yet developed a great competence, however we have participated in national initiatives and forums where young people present innovations and ideas in the field. We have set a goal to focus on the topic in the next half a year and gain expertise, because the world is experiencing a need of innovations to help environment, to help ease the work process, etc.
We create a network of youth in terms of exchanging entrepreneurial skills and experience, to raise awareness on entrepreneurship and boost youth initiatives, to motivate youth and raise self-confidence to develop and present ideas, to encourage each other and promote youth activism, to improve entrepreneurial, employability skills and attitudes.
For the purpose of, we have developed different manuals and videos to support the learning:
Creative thinking
Public speaking
Emotional intelligence
"Uniting Bridge" social non-governmental organization
Our NGO was founded on the basis of the "Come To Oshakan" Youth Initiative since 2014. Since it foundation we have initiated a number of local projects, as well as continuing the "Come To Oshakan" Youth Initiative. We have implemented a number of seminars to promote youth development and engagement in community, educational and social life, and have continued to hold our national festivals, of which the "Ritual Easter" is already an annual event. The next project is "Taza Tegh" social-innovation project which aim is:
1. To promote development of rural communities with the help of youth, using ITtools
2. To increase the involvement of rural youth in community development
We have already implemented it in 6 villages of 5 regions of Armenia and will continue to implement it
Since our company was just founded, we do not have long-term plans at the moment and therefore do not have registered employees. Our staff is selected as the main body of the NGO and includes 8 members, all of whom are students at different Universities of Armenia. The number of key members and volunteers is more than 100. During these years we have worked with about 2-3,000 volunteers.
Our SNGO is a multi interested in different spheres like education, communication development, cultural diversity, community development and so on. "Uniting Bridge" team members, volunteers are actively involved in different kinds of activities and projects, they try to make them be more competitive.
One of the most important problems for the organization is to develop environmental thinking in the society. Unfortunately, this is an important issue in our country today. So we have undertaken a number of activities, organizing around 6 community works last year, 1 environmental discussion dedicated to the campaign against the exploitation of a new mine in the Republic of Armenia, 3 environmental trainings aimed at resolving environmental issues facing young people.
This year we are planning to start a partnership with one of the local organizations to install garbage bins in village schools.
The foundation (NGO) with the project named "Come To Oshakan" youth initiative from the very first day put importance on youth education and a lot of events and training have organized to promote it. Qualified education is the guarantee of qualified society so that is why our slogan is to raise awareness about education which without communication is impossible. That is why we are always trying to make new bonds with other organizations we always try to encourage our team members, volunteers to participate in different projects always trying to stay in communication, which also helps to our aim. Each of our team members has trainer skills. Each of us tried practicing our skills on different topics and had an opportunity to work both with youths and elders. 3 of our NGO members are alumni of "Training for youth worker" program and they retrained in a project sponsored by the government. By the way, it proves about the huge experience in Armenia.
Volunteers of SNGO have always been actively engaged in music events as there are talented singers and musicians in the team. Some of them graduated music schools and have professional education. We try to preserve Armenian traditional music with musical instruments especially with the help of Duduk, Shvi and Dhol. At the same time Armenian music is accompanied by Armenian dance, such as Tsakhkadzor dance, Kochari, Yarkushta. We are the bearers of Armenian culture and will always strive to preserve it and organize events to promote it.
Our members are working in different spheres, such as TV, Schools, Universities, National Assembly, Cultural palaces, IT companies, Design Studios, UNDP, UNHCR and so on.
As we have already mentioned, our NGO has a wide-ranging interest in various fields that enables us to get the jobs done faster and more effectively. Journalism and the media are very popular today, and due to it the connection with the world is closer. Two of our volunteers work in the media sector on one of Armenia's most popular TV channels, Public Television. They are working on various projects, while also helping to highlight the work done by our NGO
.Our organization consists of about 2-3000 juvenile volunteers. All of us are young and all of us look forward to our future. We are excited for all the opportunities we have, however, all of us have a big problem- environmental problems and all of us need to work as a team to overcome the crisis. To start with, our NGO works hard in order to develop our community and moreover, encourage people to do their step about the issue. In order to implement all of our projects we open a call for volunteers, and it is so exciting to see how many young people apply and will to participate. We organized clean-ups, school recycling activities and everywhere, everywhere young people are excited. It is a change, a positive change in mentality of people and we know we had our part in the building of such mentality. Secondly, the ecological problems are emphasized in Armenia. Deforestation in Dilijan reduced the density of trees more than 10 times. Sevan, the biggest fresh water reservoir in Armenia is greening because of the underwater grasses and pollution. Huge fires destroy the nature... And people still use plastic bags, plastic bottles, etc. We need to work on this as well. Our members encourage others to follow the fashion and design their personal bags, which can be used for a long time. Even if they do not think about the nature, at least they can think of it as fashion.То share ecological thinking within our members via our workshops and seminars. For us it's so important because as we already know Armenia is a developing country and we need to think ecological more. We already organized a lot of seminars about climate changes with cooperation of Chair of Enviromental Economics of Armenian State University of Economics and The Faculty of Georgraphy and Ecology of Yerevan State University.Our team members have had an internship in "KASA" Swiss humanitarian foundation which cooperates with UNHCR. They have had an opportunity to work with refugees and asylum-seekers to integrate in the Armenian society. We motivate them to gain new skills in order to easily become part of society. We try to help them to ignore the stereotype about the "refugee status" and feel full citizen of the country. We make different excursion to open the country for them. During this practice our team members are well aware of the difficulties and troubles between intercultural and interreligious communication."Uniting Bridge" NGO has recently initiated a new idea: to allow people to get informed on online platform. It's about the YouTube "Learn More" channel, where videos are posted daily for those who are just learning English. The channel also features materials related to other interests, e. g. famous people, politics, tourism, economics and the like. The channel observers are children, young people and adults at the same time.Our NGO has just created a new platform named "turnON". The idea was to arrange different online meetings on different topics that may trouble teenagers. The lessons are carried on by specialists in the sphere. Mainly they last for 2 hours every day."Uniting Bridge" NGO has already launched 2nd step of online English lessons, too, for teens and youngsters ages 13 to 20. The training is held two days a week by one of our best volunteers, who is currently in Romania. She is also a volunteer at the European Solidarity Corps. The training is delivered through a free online platform. The training is effective as the train or seeks to help students develop both grammar and speaking skills. During this summer we start our "Summer Program" with few little projects. First one is " Youth Entrepreneurship Project" Online Camp for 65 yougsters, 2nd is "Online Fun Club" and the last one is "EduCational Talks".We highly evaluate cultural values and norms and that is why our team takes responsibility to share it worldwide. The new project "Haykean" was created to link designers, animators, screenwriters to make educational videos about Armenian culture.We have also volunteers in Tourism field who have professional background at the University. It can also be mentioned about volunteers in finance field, in the field of pedagogy and education. This shows that our NGO is making every effort to develop and use the organization purposefully.WE would be extremely happy to share our experience with you and also exchange ideas which will be productive for both of us.
Association for Cultural, Sport and Educational Development "World of Change"
The Republic of North Macedonia
The NGO "World of Change" is dynamic, progressive and modern non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 2019 in the city of Valandovo - North Macedonia, by an initiative of a group of young and zealous people with the mission/vision of promoting the personal and professional development among young people, their stimulation, encouragement and support to achieve their fullest potential as through active work and activities on the local and international level.
"World of Change" NGO's main objective is using different activities to encourage the personal and professional development of the citizens through non-formal education, reaching their potential and capacity of becoming an active part of social, economical, cultural and the civil society, to contribute in the creation of responsible educational and environmental development and to become the drivers and the voice of positive change, drawing attention to lifelong learning.
We aim to develop intercultural dialogue and understanding among young people, crossing all the differences based on different backgrounds (religious, ethnic, cultural, geographical, economical), to make it possible for everyone to understand the concept of social integration and to stimulate the acquisition of skills through non-formal education mainly (workshops, project development, cultural activities, international mobility, volunteering) in a multicultural environment.
The "World of Change" NGO participates in various initiatives and events on a local, national and international
level as volunteers.
Also, we aim to organize training, workshops and seminars in order to provide the youth with new skills on
different topics and improve the work for the benefit of the youth.
Nowadays, the organisation is actively working and it's one of the fast-growing NGO's in our country.
"World of Change" works to:
- Promote non-formal education and training.
- Promote active participation and volunteering.
- Promote human rights, tolerance values, equal opportunities, democracy, active citizenship and solidarity
- Increase international understanding and cooperation.
- Promote the principles of the European Union and European citizenship.
- Promote European values and the strength of European identity.
- Promote the popularization of democratic ideas.
- Promote, encourage and support the youth actions, initiatives and ideas for better sustainable development
strategy on local, national and international levels.
- Promote youth participation in the decision-making processes of civil society.
- Develop creative potential of the youth.
- Emphasize the sport, outdoor activities and a healthy lifestyle as a tool for improving the qualify of life.
- Promote nature protection, climate change, zero waste, clean water and sustainable energy.
- Promote entrepreneurship and leadership.
- Promote art, music and culture.
- Promote the development of rural/urban areas and environmental protection.
- Promote cultural diversity, youth employment and intercultural dialog.
- Support the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.
- Fight against discrimination issues of gender equality, marginalized groups (minorities and refugees), hate speech and racist prejudices.
Our organization aims to foster the awareness of environmental protection, zero-waste life, climate change, opportunity through green entrepreneurship among young people. Based on the experience of the key members and their experience, facing with the global problem which also is part of our local society, inspired to give a new look to the issue, "World of Change" works under the motto "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Leading by that mindset, we are active in the world cleaning day in our city, raising the awareness of a clean and safe environment. Additionally, through the year, we are making workshops among members, presentations in the local schools, preparing challenges and tasks for spreading powerful messages and notes which are led by the new generations as the voices of future changes. Overall, we can proudly say that we are focused on keeping this goal clear and visible.
The organisation is based on the members' experience gained from a lot of international mobility projects where have been taking part in projects under the Erasmus+ programme (previously Youth in Action). The activities are designed and implemented by the motivated team of the organisation in order to allow the youth to directly participate and learn by doing. We focus onorganizing activities which aim to increase youth chances for employability, to educate and train youth, support intercultural events, to involve the volunteering activities with social purposes.
We aim to provide a lot of different types of courses, workshops and training for personal and professional development. In our projects, we are into cooperation of schools, institutions, associations and different organisation which makes us easy recognized in our local community.
"World of Change" has been actively involved in all stages of youth exchange and training courses. Starting from planning, defining roles and responsibilities of project partners, through meetings, preparation, logistics, communication between all partners involved, arranging project timetable, implementation, selection of suitable participants according to the partner profile and their preparation (travel plan and tasks), as well as the promotion of projects and dissemination ofthe results through our Internet pages, local press and media and by organizing informative sessionsfor the local youth towards better visibility.
In whatever activity we carry out, we follow our 4 core principles: 1) dedication - meaning that we give our 100% and more; 2) openness - we work with - and for the public; 3) positivity - we see opportunities rather than problems; and 4) enthusiasm - we want to change our surroundings for the better. Surely, it's easy to list these values on paper and a lot harder to follow them through in real. The staff has developed skills in monitoring and evaluation and project management due to gained field experiences with the implementation of the projects. Our methodological approach is based on the following principles: 1) Informal education: quality with clear objectives, precise and consistent structure focused on the personal development of the participants' goals. 2) Personal development: creating new skills, new opinions and knowledge on different topics. 3) Acquiring knowledge through various techniques based on participatory and cooperative learning.
Udruga za razvoj zajednice "Kreaktiva"
The association was founded to improve and advance the status and quality of life for youth in the community and the protection of social rights of other members of vulnerable groups - children, people with disabilities, the elderly, women and the unemployed.
Aim of the NGO is to provide support to community development through capacity building of each individual practical application of modern methods, to strengthen the capacity of non-profit, for-profit and public sectors on the basis of cooperation and partnership in the development of different services on a local and regional level.
We are striving toward a vision - through establishment of good cooperation and linking different sectors we are trying to contribute to development of civil society as a whole.
In the past 3 years we have implemented and also took part in several projects and trainings that partially or fully addressed the topic of this youth exchange which enabled us to work more efficiently with our youngsters but also to create networks with other organisations across Europe in order to bring new knowledge and skills to our communities where we work with young people in rural areas where we have quite a lot deprived young people and/or without proper skills. We have implemented several YE regarding better empowerment of young people and ecology, preservation of nature in our region since it is very important to allow young people to learn more about their role in the society and take action from an early age with support of their peers and other stakeholders in their local community - MOVA YP" (KA1 - 31 participant), Human values from A to Z, H2O and GREEN CHOICE."MOVA YP" was a 9 days youth exchange for young people in difficult position and less opportunities (16-25 years) where we have implemented series of activities that allowed young people to test themselves and also learn more about their own and others personal beliefs, standards and values and how they want their local community to look like. After the exchange they were taking these ideas back to their homes and schools, local community where they made it happenWe have implemented another project in 2016 "Human values from A to Z" which was a youth exchange for young people from rural area that lasted 12 months and had several steps. Our members visited Belgium and their young people came to Croatia. We constructed several activities for them in order to empower them to become "small change agents" in their rural communities in the future regarding different values and how they can help young people in rural areas to change their perspective, thus their future. Some of the ideas were also related to climate change and also ecology in general. We do not push them to any topic but try to facilitate the process depending on where they wantt o put their attetion at.H2O - was a Youth exchange with the overall goal of the project is to raise awareness of different issues through informal education and to include several related topics such as human rights, advocating for themselves and to enable young people to handle this issue in everyday life. We also explored the impact of different roles of young people and their impact on personal and professional development, the impact of political, social and cultural life on each individual, and to examine their role (responsibilities and rights) in this process. This is also particularly important regarding the climate change because "it is something happening somewhere else, not here" so we addressed issues like this too.GREEN CHOICE The aim of this project is to allow youngsters to plan different project ideas or green entrepreneurshp ideas which they can implement back at home. They will be facilitated during the YE but also back home until the final implementation. The exchange was achieved via informal education emphasizing learning from each other and by experiences. By means of accepting and getting acquainted with different cultures and customs as well as multi-cultural co-operation we would like the participants to become more aware on what is their strenght and what can they do for better tomorrow for them and others, and to take matter into their own hands and take action. We are raising awareness of the importance of small actions and their proaction in not only in their own life and their communities but for the better future of a changing Europe and all its inhabitants.One of our senior traners have written a book for young kids on this thematic We have taken part in cleaning of the banks of our rivers and ponds in the region. We are very active in making young people aware of their own impact when it comes to ecology and "gren thinking". We have also applied and were awarded several partnerships where we teach youngsters and support them while they are developing their "green" ideas and also entrepreneurship in this field.Associação Nó Górdio
Nó Górdio is an association founded in 2015.
The purpose of the association is to provide services of a moral, cultural and material nature to persons and groups that lack them, developing activities to protect children, youth, the elderly, the family and the community, pursuing their well-being through solidarity and help. Our Association will develop to the good of the whole
.We promote, organize and develop social activities and / or events, with recreational, formative, cultural, social and competitive purposes.
We promote the exchange and cooperation with national and foreign associations and institutions that pursue objectives identical to those of the association.
We have participated (and we are still participating) in several Erasmus + projects selecting the adequate participants, doing all the preparation of the participants and support them with travel and other issues to implement the projects. We did/do the forward steps to disseminate and divulgate the results of the projects.
Asociacion Egeria Desarrollo Social is an association open to young people and adults regardless of their economic, social, religious or cultural background focused on feminism and human rights education, located in Malaga (Spain). We work in gender equality education, prevention of gender-based violence and women empowerment, also human rights in general. We promote nonformal education as a tool to create a positive impact in the society.
Our main goals are:
-Contributing to the construction of a free discrimination society.
-Promoting critical thinking and analysis in young people
-Promoting feminism, human rights defense, culture, and knowledge. As per as education in values and international culture to create a positive impact on the society.
-Promoting women participation in politics and public space.
-Raising awareness, training and integrating young people.
-Promoting women entrepreneurship, employment, and self-employment
-Working against inequalities and implement/increase social justice
We belong to Agora Women Federation, Municipal Women Council, Provincial Women Council, Andalusian Women Council, COMPI (National Coordinator of Women Association for participation and equality) and UNITED against racism network
.We have experience in Erasmus+ (KA1 and KA2) and local projects focused on youth participation, educational programmes, intercultural understanding, entrepreneurship, employability, human rights, but also art, sport and culture which we more often utilized as the working method, too.
As a feminist organization our main work is questioning the reality and society and combat misogeny. Our goal is changing society and we joint the hate speech compaing of the council and the sexist hate speech.
Within our activities, we promote and apply principles of volunteering, social inclusion, equality in human dignity, participation and empowerment of minorities, active initiatives, non-formal education and informal learning, within young people and as well with adult people. Especially we work on the promotion of gender equality among young people and women rights. We especially focus on a broad range of women's issues, including economic justice, pay equity, racial discrimination, women´s health and body image, women with disabilities, reproductive rights and justice, family law, LGTBQI rights, representation of women in media and global feminist issues. We promote gender mainstreaming in all the project which we participate and we give gender perspective to them. Additionally we promote social economy specialy focused in research about feminist economy participating in several conferences about the topic.