Dissemination reports


North Macedonia 

Dissemination for Climate changes as fast as fashion II

From the 29th of August till the 5th of September I had the pleasure of participating in one of the most amazing and well done Erasmus+ projects in my life. The project Climate changes as fast as fashion II took place in Pissouri, Cyprus and with 10 participating countries and 8 participants of each, it was the biggest one yet. The main focus points of this project were climate change related and each workshop was fully immersive and immensely educational. Our first big group task was to create a green plan for the whole island of Cyprus and the types of green energy it would need, but we needed to put the work in and specify in which areas, how much of what are we putting, why and how many households will that cover with energy. This took a few hours, but working in a group has its perks and once finished we were super eager to explain our findings and decisions.

I am mentioning this specific workshop since it will be one I will remember for years. It set the tone for the project, followed by a variety of other workshops that we had to complete that were never easy, but the time it took to finish them was extremely educational and also fun. We were focused towards our goal and as the days were going by you could see us connecting our previous knowledge to the new information of the day and I loved it. I still remember the day we went to visit an ancient theatre for some group IMPROV in Greek plays. On our way we passed areas with wind mills and solar panels and the excitement for trying to locate the area and see if we agreed to use the same methods was real.

Our organizer and mentor, Nicolas, had many great ideas that can be fun as well as educational. Being that we were a huge group and our final activities would finish just before dinner, our night activities were to get to know our cultures. We had a few intercultural evenings, getting to learn about each different country, their food, even tried a few traditional or modern dances and one night we even had a pool party.

Overall, this project was a huge success. It was a pleasure to have the chance to participate and I couldn't be happier with my decision. The knowledge and experiences will stay with me forever, and I only hope I am able to share them as they were shared to me. Huge thank you to my sending organization, World of change for sending me on this project and their continued effort to provide such educational opportunities to young people. It truly makes a difference.


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